5 Common Running Pains and How to Fix Them

Hitting the pavement for a run is a fantastic way to improve your health and well-being. However, even the most dedicated runners can encounter occasional aches and pains. At PA Chiropractic and Rehab Center LLC in Waynesburg, PA, we provide various treatments to alleviate your discomfort and help you feel your best. Before visiting us, read about 5 common running pains and how to fix them below:

Runner's Knee

Runner's knee is usually felt around the kneecap and often occurs due to overuse and proper form.

Rest, ice, and strengthening exercises for your quads and hamstrings can help offer relief. Our chiropractor can also assess your running form and provide corrective exercises to prevent future flare-ups.

Shin Splints

Pain along the tibia is a common overuse injury. You can ease your discomfort by reducing your mileage, stretching regularly, and wearing proper shoes. If the pain persists, our chiropractor can rule out stress fractures and recommend further treatment.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation in the band of tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes. Stretching your plantar fascia, getting rest, and utilizing ice can be effective in relieving your pain. Along with that, we can provide targeted therapy and recommend supportive footwear.

IT Syndrome

Pain on the outside of your knee can be caused by friction between the iliotibial band and your thigh bone. Stretching and strengthening exercises for your hips and glutes can improve flexibility and reduce pain. When you visit us, we will also evaluate your alignment and teach you specific stretches or exercises to reduce your aches.

Muscle Strains and Tears

Overtraining or improper form can lead to muscle pulls or tears. In order to heal, we recommend rest, ice, and compression. Manual therapy and rehabilitation exercises offered by our chiropractor may also be beneficial in your recovery and preventing future injuries.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you're experiencing any pain due to running, don't hesitate to seek help. At PA Chiropractic and Rehab Center LLC in Waynesburg, PA, we are dedicated to helping you return to the sport you enjoy without pain. We combine chiropractic care, physical therapy, and rehabilitation exercises to reduce your symptoms and improve your overall health. To schedule your first appointment, contact us at (724) 852-4222 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we are ready to assist you!


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